Relationship Transformation

No matter how long you and your partner have been stuck,
a fulfilling relationship is not just a dream.
What you need are the mindset and tools to get you there.
Join one of my four-week workshops, and believe that
change is not just possible, but in your future.
To get a $20 off coupon for workshops or coaching, sign up for my mailing list.
Losing hope?
I'll give you the tools to make lasting change.
Transformational Workshops
For 1:1 coaching, click here!

A Welcome from Sonja
I'm an Integrated Attachment TheoryTM coach trained by Thais Gibson of the Personal Development School, and I've been where you are and transformed my relationship. Watch the video for a welcome from me and to learn a little more about what we'll be doing in your workshop.
What It’s All About
- Identify the HIDDEN patterns wreaking havoc in your relationship
- Understand what’s holding your relationship back from the CHANGE it so desperately needs
- Discover the tools* to FINALLY achieve transformation—for your relationship AND yourself
- Reengage, RECONNECT, and get more depth and satisfaction from YOUR RELATIONSHIP
*Curated tools from Thais Gibson of the Personal Development School, along with insight from a smattering of other relationship experts
The Details
- 4 One-Hour Weekly Sessions (+optional ½ hour each week for Q&A)
- Online Via Zoom with Recordings Available
- Small Group Setting—12 Max
*Plus a meeting for individualized next steps from me at the end of the program--$100 value!
Join Now!
Limited Enrollment!
September 2023
Thursdays at 5:30pm PT/8:30ET
9/7, 9/14, 9/21, 9/28
Cost - One time payment $220
Fridays at 11am PT/2pmET
9/8, 9/15, 9/22, 9/29
Cost - One time payment $220
Interested in a future session?
Sign up for my mailing list to learn more
and get a $20 off coupon.
Why does my attachment style matter? What is Integrated Attachment Theory? Everyone has an attachment style, which is, essentially, the subconscious set of rules you have about love and how to give and receive love, mostly learned through modeling and your experiences in early childhood. Your attachment style often causes unnecessary friction in your relationships, particularly your primary bonded relationship. As Thais Gibson, the creator of Integrated Attachment Theory explains, it can be as if one of you is playing Scrabble and the other is playing a completely different board game. The fantastic news—that IAT is all about—is that you can change your attachment style from an insecure style (Dismissive Avoidant, Fearful Avoidant, or Anxious Preoccupied) to secure attachment through tools such as subconscious reprogramming.
Who are these workshops for? Do I need to be any particular attachment style? Can I take them if my relationship is only kinda sorta longterm? These workshops are intended for all attachment styles—secure, FA, DA, AA, and all proportions and percentages and not sures. They would not be appropriate for work on a relationship where the other partner is not interested in being in a relationship any longer. If this is you, reach out to me via the Contact Me form for a referral to a resource for you. As for relationship status and length, this material and these tools were originally created as very broad personal transformational tools, so, even if you are new-ish in your relationship–or not in a relationship!-you will always be able to use these tools to make change in many areas of life and relationship. And you can certainly learn useful tools for LTRs in advance. With that said, most examples and discussions will focus around LTRs that are out of the honeymoon stage.
When should I do this? Is it okay to do these workshops if I’m extremely busy/overwhelmed? You can do these workshops any time, and any of the work and tools that you do will benefit you. However, the amount of effort and tools that you can put in at any given time may influence the amount of time it takes to transform yourself. There’s no right way or timeframe to do this, however. So if you’re feeling like it’s what you want and need, I encourage you to go for it, see where the shifting takes you (for many people starting to take steps serves as an ignition to clear space and focus for the work), and we can get you the support you need (for next steps) from there. There are tons of options after the workshop is over—from 1: 1 sessions to advanced workshops to community support to courses or membership in the original PDS. You can even take it again, if you want to dive in deeper on a second round once you’re familiar with the material/tools.
Will these sessions make my partner do what I want/finally work on our relationship/--fill-in-the-blank- ? The good news and the bad news and the FANTASTIC news is that it all starts with you. While you can’t ‘make’ anyone do anything, transforming yourself and shifting your own interactional patterns will result in changes in your dynamics with others. And you can even help someone else along in shifting their own patterns with you, in a way that’s not manipulative or patronizing, but compassionate and inclusive. Let’s go, empowerment!
Does this work guarantee that my relationship with this person won’t fail/will continue? While I can’t guarantee that any particular relationship will make it (and perhaps some shouldn’t), a stunning percentage of stuck dynamics do shift with this work. It takes humility, a true willingness to start over (for many of us---AGAIN!), and lots of intention and focus on shifting ourselves. I can say that after taking this workshop and implementing the tools for several months you will know: a lot more about yourself that will help all areas of your life and a lot more about your partner and how they respond to healthier dynamics.
Do you offer scholarships? I am not able to give scholarships at this time. I hope to do so in the future as these courses grow. However, if cost is prohibitive for you, I encourage you to reach out to me at the Contact Me link as I have a ton of resources I can direct to you to, including coaches in training who might be a fit for you at a free or reduced rate.
Do you offer 1:1 coaching? YES, I have a limited number of 1:1 slots. Please use the Contact Me link if you’re interested in learning more about my current availability or to book a free 15-minute intro call.